5-Day Challenge | July 23-27th 6PM ET

5-Day Challenge | July 23-27th 6PM ET

SELLING POWER MAGAZINE Top Ranked Sales Trainer  Reveals…



FREE “Talk Less, Sell More” 
5-DAY Challenge

Fix Your Script, Bypass Sales Resistance, Elevate Your Status, and
Start Closing Deals You’ve Been Leaving on the Table


Fix Your Script, Bypass Sales Resistance, Elevate Your Status, and Start Closing Deals You’ve Been Leaving on the Table


00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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Register Today And Instantly Unlock
3 Game Changing Bonuses:

Register Today And Instantly Unlock 3 Game Changing Bonuses:

  • Virtual Ticket to the 5-Day “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge
  • BONUS #1: NEPQ Challenge Companion Workbook
  • BONUS #2: NEPQ Sales Script Template
  • BONUS #3: NEPQ Top 50 Word-for-Word Objection Handling Scripts
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.

When You Join & Attend LIVE You Can WIN Some Cool Prizes…

When You Join & Attend LIVE You Can WIN Some Cool Prizes…

Join us LIVE every day, ask questions, and tell your friends about the challenge — and you’ll be eligible to win prizes including Tablet, iPhone, AirPods, and even a scholarship towards one of our high-end coaching programs (plus much more!).

What Will Happen When You Attend the 
5-Day “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge?

What Will Happen When You Attend the 5-Day “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge?

BEFORE This Challenge

  • Feel anxious before every sales conversation.
  • ​Sales conversations feel chaotic and “all over the place”
  • ​Hoping and praying that the deal is going to close. 
  • Prospects are only concerned about price – so you’re left with cheap prospects. 
  • ​Desperate to close the deal – you feel needy and the prospects can feel it too 
  • Extremely good looking

AFTER This Challenge

  • Feel confident before every sales conversation 
  • Sales conversations feel smooth and friction-free, like having coffee with a friend… 
  • Know with certainty that you are backed with a tested sales framework rooted in behavioral science
  • Prospects are concerned about value – so you deal with high-level prospects.
  • Detached from the outcome – you have the solution and the prospects feel lucky to work with you
  • Extremely good looking (but now you’re better at sales) 😉

Shhhh Don’t Tell Your Competition 🤫

Could the Secret to Selling More Be… Talking Less?

A recent analysis of 25,537 sales calls revealed a mind-blowing statistic quietly costing even seasoned sales reps to lose deals (without them even knowing)...
Top-producing sales reps talk far LESS than worst-producing sales reps.
In fact, the worst-performers talk a whopping 72% of the time. While all the rainmakers talk for a mere 46%.

That means in a 60-min sales conversation, the worst-performers blab for a whole 15-minutes more than the leaderboard titans.

These top-performers are quietly outselling their sales teams simply by sealing their lips.

And if I were to take this finding even further, when I take a look at our top clients (who are in the top 1% of their industry), that ratio drops even further.

The top clients we train talk for only 20% of the call and listen for 80%.

How Is That Possible?

How Is That Possible?

Here’s What Makes The Top 1% Sales Reps Different

Here’s What Makes the 
Top 1% Sales Reps Different

1. Better Sales Scripts

Most sales scripts are littered with overused phrases like: “I’m just following up with you…”, “Did I catch you at a bad time?”, “The reason why I’m calling is…”.

Blech 🤮

Prospects hear these phrases all the time – so when they hear you say it, they’re thinking, “Ugh, it’s just another salesperson.”

The best sales scripts bypass sales resistance by using “pattern interrupts” – we’ll show you how to do this in the challenge.

2. Better Tonality 

If you give two salespeople the same sales script, same leads, in the same industry… one could still fail, while the other succeeds.

Why? One word – tonality.

There are 5 core tonalities to master if you want to rise to the top 1% of sales: playful, curious, concerned, challenging, and confused.

We’ll show you HOW and WHEN to use these tonalities so you can be in control of every sales conversation - without lowering your status or being polite to appease your prospects.

3. Better Objection Handling

When you look up “objection handling techniques”, you’ll most likely find rebuttals that challenge the prospect or try to “logically box” the prospect in.

This used to work in the 90s, maybe, but it doesn’t work today.

80% of objections are actually handled within the first 5-7 minutes of the call – this is called “objection prevention”, and we’ll show you how it’s done.

And with the remaining 20% of objections that do inevitably come up like:
  • “I need to talk to my spouse/partner”
  • ​“I need to think about it”
  • ​“Can you just send me a proposal?"
We’ll show you how to disarm and defuse these objections with ease.



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Spots Are Filling Out Fast...
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Join The “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge Today!
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.



You’ll Discover New Sales Strategies Every Day

DAY 1:

Decoding 2023 Sophisticated Buyers & The Five Stages Of NEPQ

Consumers nowadays are more skeptical than ever, and their buying decision process is not the same as it was ten years ago - in fact, there's a stark difference between today and pre-2020.
On Day 1 of the "Fix Your Script Challenge," you'll learn how to decode the modern buyer who has seen and heard it all before.

You will discover:
  • The psychology of buyers in 2023
  • How to ace the first 10-15 seconds of your call without resorting to small talk about the weather or "who won the game last night." This way, you can avoid being labeled as just another salesperson, remove any sales pressure and establish yourself as a trusted advisor and a friend.
  • ​How to stop feeling like a show pony riddled with anxiety, who feels the need to dominate the conversation. You'll learn the exact questions to ask to shift the focus from yourself to your prospect, so they can start to persuade themselves on taking action NOW.

DAY 2:

Engagement Stage & How To Prevent 70% Of Objections Upfront

“Just so you know, I am not buying today.”
“I know you just want to make a commission off me.”
“Cool, but I don’t make snap decisions like that. Check with me when Mars is in retrograde.”

Are you familiar with any of those objections? Do they make you doubt yourself? And leave you finishing every call feeling more frustrated and defeated than the last?

Check this out: 99% of sales frameworks approach sales like this:
  • 10% building trust
  • 10% identifying needs
  • 50% sales presentations
  • ​30% asking for the sale
Eighty percent of the call is focused on the product and on the sales rep’s needs, primarily closing the sale, with an embarrassing 20% focused on the prospect.

On day #2, you will learn a counterintuitive approach that will revolutionize your sales experience forever.

In NEPQ, we devote 85% of the conversation to focusing on what your prospects care most about: themselves. This approach allows you to build sufficient trust and gather information, enabling your prospects to seemingly persuade themselves at the end of the call — (...and remove 70% of objections upfront).

You will discover:
  • How to go beyond questions like “What challenges are you facing today?” and how to get prospects to open up the emotional backdoor to the real problems affecting their personal lives right now.
  • The exact neuro-emotional questions to ask to create a true sense of urgency without having to rely on fake scarcity or discounts.
  • How to get prospects to question their current way of thinking and explore the consequences of remaining stuck.

DAY 3:

How To Close Like A 7-Figure Sales Legend

Have you ever had a call with a prospect who was a perfect fit, had the desire, and was financially qualified… but when it comes time to move forward.

They shut down or bombard you with objections like:
  • "Gotta think about it."
  • "Call me in 3 months."
  • ​"Need to run this by my spouse."
Day #3 will show you how to fix this.

You will unlock the presentation secrets of high 6 & 7-figure sales reps — which provide your prospects with the perfect balance of details and position your offer/service/products as the ideal solution for their most pressing issues (information they shared with you during the connection stage).

Not only that, we will also show you how to ask for the sale without coming across as pushy, needy, or having to use cheesy closing lines like…

“Mr. Prospect, how are you paying today – credit or debit?”

Here’s what you will discover:
  • The ONE question 7-figure sales reps routinely use to close deals ranging from $5k to $100k and even $1m+. 
  • How to fine-tune your presentation so you don't trigger analysis paralysis in your prospects (which delays the sale and makes closing 100x harder).
  • The one question 99% of sales gurus teach that unintentionally primes your prospects to reject you.
  • ​Exactly what to keep and leave out of your presentations, so you can spend only 10% of your call presenting and 5% of the call in the commitment stage.

DAY 4:

The Non-combative Objection Handling Techniques Of Top 1% Sales Reps 

Does your anxiety build up like a steam cooker the closer you get to the end of the call?

It doesn't have to be that way.

NEPQ prevents objections by up to 70% upfront.

Not only that, but on day 4, you will access the Velvet Slap — this is an effective objection-handling technique that allows you to lead your prospects to a commitment without becoming combative or using high-pressure techniques.

This not only will help you close more deals, but it will also nearly eliminate buyer's remorse (which prevents refunds or cancellations and helps you get referrals).

Here is what you will learn:
  • How to handle "money", "spouse", or "think about it" objections.
  • How to align your prospects' perspective with what they said "they want" without coming across as a jerk.
  • The ONE question you can ask your prospect to dispel smoke screens and excuses.

DAY 5-7:

7-figure Tonality Secrets 

Does your anxiety build up like a steam cooker the closer you get to the end of the call?

It doesn't have to be that way.

NEPQ prevents objections by up to 70% upfront.

Not only that, but on day 4, you will access the Velvet Slap — this is an effective objection-handling technique that allows you to lead your prospects to a commitment without becoming combative or using high-pressure techniques.

This not only will help you close more deals, but it will also nearly eliminate buyer's remorse (which prevents refunds or cancellations and helps you get referrals).

Here is what you will learn:
  • The NEPQ vocal ranges and how to use them at different stages of your call.
  • How to purposely add "hmms" and "huhs" to your script so that you don't sound like just another sales guy.
  • LIVE role-play session with Jeremy Miner & an 8-figure closer showing you which tonality to use.

DAY 1  |  JULY 23RD

The 3 Steps To Becoming A Top Performer  In Your Industry

You’re leaving deals on the table by not knowing these 3 core steps…

By following these 3 steps, you’ll start to really understand why the Top 1% make it look so darn easy.

After Day 1, you’ll see…

  • Why your leads, mindset, personal development, motivation, and work ethic DON’T matter if you do not have this ONE thing…
  • Most failing salespeople are “product pushers” – here’s what you need to be instead if you want to join the Top 1%
  • How to elevate your status within the first 7-12 seconds by eliminating status-killing questions like “how’s the weather?”
  • Why dominating, manipulating, or pushing prospects is the WORST way to sell in the modern environment
  • The 5 most common methods amateur salespeople use to sell… and why they never work 
  • PLUS Dozens of real-life scripting examples in various industries

DAY 2  |  JULY 24TH

How to Get Your Prospects to Overcome Their Own Objections by Asking the Right Questions at the Right Time with the Right Tonality

Objection Like:

  • “I want to think about it”
  • “Need to talk to my spouse”
  • “We don't have the money right now”
  • ”We already use a company for this”
  • ​”I just need more info”
  • ”I need to do more research”
  • ​​”I need to pray about it”

After Day 2, you’ll see…

  • The C.D.D. framework for professionally handling ANY objection
  • How to prevent 80% of objections within the first 10 minutes of your conversation
  • The real reason why prospects hit you with late objections… even though the conversation seemed to be going smoothly
  • How to neutralize sales pressure and confidently lead the prospect towards the sale
  • The 2-second “verbal pause” technique I learned from Leonardo Dicaprio’s  acting coach
  • Plus a whole lot more…

DAY 3  |  JULY 25TH

How to Disarm Sales Resistance and Skepticism by Eliminating “Trigger Words” 

Words and phrases in most scripts unintentionally trigger sales resistance in the prospect.

This is causing you to lose sales and not know why – let’s fix that.

After Day 3, you’ll see…

  • The ONE question our top reps and clients use to routinely elevate their status immediately
  • How to fine-tune your presentation so you can drastically cut your sales cycle length (I used this to close Google as a client in 2 weeks – when most deals like this take 6 months)
  • 3 body language techniques to demonstrate status and authority (this was taught to me by an expert who’s helped past U.S. presidents) – you can use this on Zoom calls too!
  • Plus a small little surprise I’ll reveal later 😉

DAY 4  |  JULY 26TH

Experience the Battle-Tested NEPQ Sales Script in Action – With LIVE Industry-Specific Role Plays

Want to see the new model in action?

Attend day 4 and watch our private clients (who are killing it in multiple industries) demonstrate how to sell with NEPQ…

You’ll be able to feel the tonality, notice the tonal shifts, and most importantly, experience how the big players sell.

After Day 4, you’ll see…

  • How NEPQ can be adapted to your personality whether you’re introverted or extroverted
  • The simple way to adapt NEPQ for ANY industry (unless you’re in the salt mining industry, SORRY!)
  • How to make your prospect fall in love with you (kidding! This one’s just to see if you were paying attention 😂)

DAY 5  |  JULY 27TH

Copy-and-Paste the NEPQ Sales Script for Your Industry So You Can Close Deals You’ve Been Leaving on the Table

This is where we put everything together so you can go out into the world and close some gosh darn deals!

Let’s combine and apply what you’ve learned in Days 1-4.

After Day 5, you’ll be…

  • The salesperson all your colleagues are secretly jealous of because they’ll be wondering if you took some secret sales performance enhancer…
  • Dangerously confident in sales
  • Outrageously attractive (though we didn’t help with that at all)
  • Outrageously good at elevating your status, bypassing rejections, and melting objections like butter



Could Your Sales Skills Radically Change From Participating In The Challenge?

"I had been struggling these past 2 weeks but because of Jeremy and the challenge, I've been able to hit #3 on the leaderboard"


Verified NEPQ User | Insurance

"I had been struggling these past 2 weeks but because of Jeremy and the challenge, I've been able to hit #3 on the leaderboard"


Verified NEPQ User | Insurance

I Know You're Wondering...

Does This Really Work for 
ALL Industries?

Does This Really Work For ALL Industries?

It only works for 98% of them - but not all of them.

Now, some of you might still be skeptical – I get it.

A weird looking guy with perfectly parted hair in a Hugo Boss polo tells you it’s possible to get better at sales… and you find it hard to believe.

I Know You're Wondering...

Does This Really Work for 
ALL Industries?

Does This Really Work For ALL Industries?

It only works for 98% of them - but not all of them.

Now, some of you might still be skeptical – I get it.

A weird looking guy with perfectly parted hair in a Hugo Boss polo tells you it’s possible to get better at sales… and you find it hard to believe.

Would it ease your doubts if I showed you some proof?

Would it ease your doubts if I showed you some proof?

We’ve Trained Thousands Of Individual Sales Reps In Multiple Industries:



Real estate

Financial Services



Real estate

Financial Services


Home Improvement

Merchant services


Fitness & Weight Loss


Home Improvement

Merchant services


Fitness & Weight Loss

High-Ticket Coach

High-Ticket Coaching

Medical Services

Digital Marketing


High-Ticket Coach

High-Ticket Coaching

Medical Services

Digital Marketing



And if I put the entire list on here, this would turn into movie credits...

Look, Forbes (yes, THE Forbes) Announced

There were 163 industries 
they recognized in 2024

There were 163 Industries They Recognized In 2024

We looked at the list - there were two industries we didn’t serve, salt mining and another industry so obscure I can’t remember at this moment.

So that’s about 98% of industries.



These are some of the brands we helped out of hundreds:

If that’s not enough for you, then well… I tried my best.

I guess some people just prefer learning from sales trainers on TikTok.



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Spots Are Filling Out Fast...
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Join The “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge Today!
Join The “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge Today!
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.



When You Join & Attend LIVE You Can Win Some Outrageous Prizes

DAY 1  |  JULY 23RD

DAY 1  |  JULY 23RD

  • NEPQ Advanced Calling Your Leads Script
  • iPhone 15 (Over $1,000 In Retail Value)

DAY 2  |  JULY 24TH

DAY 2  |  JULY 24TH

  • 30 minute script review Q&A with me, Jeremy 1:1
  • Apple Watch ($800 > value) 

DAY 3  |  JULY 25TH

DAY 3  |  JULY 25TH

Beginning Of The Call:

  • Complete Objection Obliterator Training
  • Apple AirPods ($300 > value) 



  • NEPQ Black Book of Questions
  • ​Advanced Calling Your Leads Script
  • ​Complete Objection Obliteration Accelerator Training
  • ​Apple iPad (Over $800 value)

Meet Your Host & Trainers:

Meet Your Host & Trainers:

Jeremy Miner

Chairman & Master Trainer

Jeremy has been recognized as the #45 highest-earning producer in the vast landscape of global sales of over 108 million salespeople, selling ANYTHING worldwide – Jeremy's unique sales method (NEPQ) has been used by 400,000+ sales reps worldwide.

Anthony Vizzari


As the Chief Sales Officer at 7th Level Group, Anthony transitioned successfully from marketing to sales. Today, he shapes the sales strategy for numerous high-value companies, utilizing data-driven insights to boost their performance. Beyond shaping strategies, Anthony's influence extends to the training and development of over 2,000 sales representatives across 158 different industries, significantly boosting their commission potential.



Frequently Asked Questions

Did you skip to the bottom? Then you’re just like me.

Here’s everything you need to know about the “Talk Less, Sell More” challenge in 1 minute:
  When and where is the challenge?
July 23rd to July 27th - that’s Tuesday to Saturday.

It will take place on Zoom.
  What will be covered during the challenge?
Sales scripting, tailored tonality, and objection-melting techniques.

If you want a full breakdown, scroll up and see how each day is divided!
  Will it be recorded? 
Yep, it will be recorded. And replays will be available for the duration of the challenge.

However, these replays will expire after the last day of the challenge.

If you want unlimited access to the recordings, there is an option to upgrade on the next page for $7 (plus you’ll get a bunch of other crazy bonuses).
  Will this work in MY industry?
If you are in the salt mining industry, then I’m sorry – the answer is no.

If you are in any other industry, then we’ve most likely trained the NEPQ sales process in your industry.

And by the way, I’ve worked with salespeople for long enough to know why this question is asked.

Do NOT let this be the excuse standing in the way between you and making more sales.

Attend the challenge, it’s going to be worth its weight in gold.
  Is there a dress code?
Well, the event will be hosted on Zoom. So technically, no.

But it would really help ease my nerves to know nobody is shirtless on the other end.

So if you could wear a shirt to the challenge, that’d be greatly appreciated!
  Do I have to pay for the “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge?
Nope, the registration is 100% free.

On the next page, there is an option to upgrade your seat for $7 or $47 – it comes with a carefully curated collection of our best sales training.
  Can I have your autograph? 
I’m not that cool 😉

I do sign books for some of our NEPQ clients, though. If you become a client and you’re in Scottsdale, let me know!



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Spots Are Filling Out Fast...
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Join The “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge Today!
Join The “Talk Less, Sell More” Challenge Today!
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.
Absolutely 0 payment necessary.
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